31-60 years

Sunday 25 June in Piazza Oscar Brini, the gastronomic event entirely dedicated to cherries...

On 2 July 2023 the complex of the monastic citadel will frame the Poetry of the Divine Comedy...


Welcome to hell...


Three unforgettable nights of art, popular music, travelling groups and food and wine in a unique setting, Avella. ...

On the evening of 17 January, the streets of the tannery town light up with the flames of bonfires dedicated to the saint, protector of animals and th...

Indirizzo     Teora, 83056 AV

Teora, 83056 AV

Dating back to the end of the eighteenth century, it is located on the edge of the historic center of the town...

Indirizzo     La Fontana lavatoio, Largo Europa, 11, 83056 Teora AV

La Fontana lavatoio, Largo Europa, 11, 83056 Teora AV

Dating back to the 12th century, it is the source from which the horses of the carts headed to Conza to bury the corpses drank...

Indirizzo     Via S. Martino Vescovo, 83018 San Martino Valle Caudina (AV), Italia

Via S. Martino Vescovo, 83018 San Martino Valle Caudina (AV), Italia

A religious building dedicated to Saint Martin, bishop of Tours. The Church, built in the early 20th century, is located downstream of the village and...

Indirizzo     Via Varco, 83017 Rotondi AV, Italia

Via Varco, 83017 Rotondi AV, Italia

Also known as "Art Road", it is the street where, by some strange or lucky coincidence, four great exponents of contemporary Italian and international...

Indirizzo     Raccordo E-841 Salerno-Avellino uscita Montoro Sud (ex Montoro Inferiore) continuare per Borgo sulla Strada Provinciale - 90  poi  proseguire sulla Strada Provinciale - 104  punto segnalato arrivo al Santuario di San Pantaleone.

Raccordo E-841 Salerno-Avellino uscita Montoro Sud (ex Montoro Inferiore) continuare per Borgo sulla Strada Provinciale - 90 poi proseguire sulla Strada Provinciale - 104 punto segnalato arrivo al Santuario di San Pantaleone.

A precious gem nestled in the lush greenery of the hamlet of Borgo di Montoro, the Sanctuary of San Pantaleone, dedicated to the guardian of town's tr...

Indirizzo       Via Roma, 83018 San Martino Valle Caudina AV

Via Roma, 83018 San Martino Valle Caudina AV

A medieval church located in the centre of the charming village in the heart of the Caudina Valley area, characterised by a single nave and a series o...

Indirizzo     Santuario dell'Incoronata, Via Incoronata 1 - 83025 Torchiati (AV)

Santuario dell'Incoronata, Via Incoronata 1 - 83025 Torchiati (AV)

A place of worship of uncertain origins, although it already existed before the second half of the 8th century, during the rule of Arechis II, who fou...

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Project financed and implemented with funds from the Province of Avellino


Indirizzo sede legale
Ufficio Infopoint
Piazza Libertá 1 (Palazzo Caracciolo), 83100 – Avellino
C.F. 80000190647

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