In Cairano, in Piazza Roma, on August 3rd, starting from 8.30 pm, the seventh edition of the "Sagra r lu p'zzirr fritt" returns to celebrate a traditional popular recipe based on water, flour and 'criscito'.
A simple loaf of bread, left over from the day before, which was once stuffed with recycled ingredients for the peasant breakfast. 

Today pizzillo remains an emblematic dish for the Cairanese community.  

The evening, organized by the Pro Loco in collaboration with the municipal administration and Unpli, will be enlivened by lots of good music from the musical group "Angeli della notte".

The Pro Loco wants to represent, even with these initiatives dedicated to food and wine production, not only a meeting point and cultural exchange, but the engine that animates the small community of Cairano made up of residents, the people of Cairano scattered around the world and all those people who already are or will soon be in love with Cairano.

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Comune di riferimento
Via Roma, 1, 83040 Cairano AV, Italia
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dalle 20:30

Poligono GEO


Via Roma, 1, 83040 Cairano AV, Italia

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