On Friday 27 September at the Sisters Montis Virginis Library in Mercogliano, Fiorentino Vecchiarelli presents "A monastery in the Irpinia valley or when the nuns were in charge", a book of great interest that collects the history of a place of worship dear to the Irpinians.

The book

In the 11th century, monastic orders represented the fundamental pillars of medieval society, contributing to the preservation of knowledge, the spread of faith, economic and agricultural development, education and social assistance.

A clear example of this is the Goleto Abbey, a religious complex commissioned by Guglielmo da Vercelli, built in the countryside of Sant'Angelo dei Lombardi, in Irpinia.

William of Vercelli built a female monastery with a small male convent attached, wanting to underline the fundamentality of cooperation, in which he wanted to add to female pragmatism the industriousness of patient monks attentive to the needs of the monastic community.

Fiorentino Vecchiarelli retraces centuries of history, from the 11th to the 19th century, in which the abbey, among the various vicissitudes, experienced moments of glory and abandonment. The text reports historical events which in some ways correspond to real events, in others they are the fruit of the imagination of our talented Author. Many details enrich the narrative, which is excellent in itself, and illustrate to the reader a broad historical panorama, which in truth presents the same characteristics of the modern era.

Speakers will include: Mother Ildegarde OSB, the author and president of the Accademia dei dogliosi Fiorentino Vecchiarelli, Prof. Roberto Grassi of the Vanvitelli Faculty of Medicine in Naples, Dr. Adelino  Di Marino responsible for the library of the Benedictine nuns of Montevergine and the lawyer. Antonio Di Martino responsible for the Academy, relations with institutions, bodies and associations.

For the occasion, to follow, in collaboration with the ancient books department of Bibliophiles. Art, books, culture
a very rare book will be exhibited. Preserved in only two Italian libraries and illustrated by Hans Holbein (The Younger)
A book published in 1546 and dedicated to the Danse Macabre.

Foto Gallery
Grado di accessibilita
Totally accessible
Comune di riferimento
Piazza Municipio, 1, 83013 Mercogliano AV, Italia
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dalle 17:00

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Piazza Municipio, 1, 83013 Mercogliano AV, Italia

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