The Church of Sant'Antonio (Saint Anthony) in Contrada is situated in Via Luigi Bruno, close to the Church of San Giovanni Battista (Saint John the Baptist).

Dating from 1756, its simple minimalist structure dominates the square in front. A double line of decorative pilasters juts out from the simple, linear façade, artistically enhanced by the ornate decorative stone portal. There is a Latin inscription on the lunette. The remainder of the Church's exterior has not been restored: during the recent works it was left unplastered with the bricks exposed.

The Church is privately owned and is only opened for public worship on the feast day of Saint Anthony, on 13 June each year. After the Eucharistic service, bread is blessed and distributed to all the townspeople, according to an ancient tradition originating from one of the many miracles performed by the Paduan saint.

A place of worship that is much-cherished by the local people, the Church of Sant’Antonio adds much to the artistic and religious heritage of this town.

Comune di riferimento
Via L. Bruno, 9A, 83020 Contrada AV, Italia
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Chiesa di Sant'Antonio di Contrada

Via L. Bruno, 9A, 83020 Contrada AV, Italia

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