Location Via Roma, 77 83050, VIllamaina AV, Italia

Via Roma, 77 83050, VIllamaina AV, Italia

A repertoire of evidence of a very ancient past, the Museum Collection of the Municipality of…

Location Piazza Cesare D'Andrea, 83054 Sant'Angelo dei Lombardi AV, Italia

Piazza Cesare D'Andrea, 83054 Sant'Angelo dei Lombardi AV, Italia

Of Lombard origin, it stands on the highest hill and is home to two exhibitions: the Opera…

Location Via S. Martino Vescovo, 83018 San Martino Valle Caudina (AV), Italia

Via S. Martino Vescovo, 83018 San Martino Valle Caudina (AV), Italia

A religious building dedicated to Saint Martin, bishop of Tours. The Church, built in the…

Location Piazza Municipio, 83023 Lauro AV, Italia

Piazza Municipio, 83023 Lauro AV, Italia

Built in the 15th century, it was destroyed several times and reopened in 1992

Location Largo Castello, 1, 83053 Sant'Andrea di Conza AV, Italia

Largo Castello, 1, 83053 Sant'Andrea di Conza AV, Italia

Building dating from the 13th century, which became the bishop’s seat. The historic three-…

Location Via Roma, 83032 Bonito AV, Italia

Via Roma, 83032 Bonito AV, Italia

A construction consisting of the convent, dating from 1712, and a single-nave church

Location Piazzetta Arnaldo da Brescia, 83020 Aiello del Sabato AV, Italia

Piazzetta Arnaldo da Brescia, 83020 Aiello del Sabato AV, Italia

A 17th-century church of considerable historical interest, situated in the centre of Aiello…

Location Piazza Francesco De Sanctis, 83040 Guardia Lombardi AV, Italia

Piazza Francesco De Sanctis, 83040 Guardia Lombardi AV, Italia

A place of worship dedicated to Our Lady of Graces that holds a lot of history, thanks to…

Location Via Narni, 1, 83020 Pago del Vallo di Lauro AV, Italia

Via Narni, 1, 83020 Pago del Vallo di Lauro AV, Italia

Rebuilt after the earthquake of 1732, it is home to frescoes by Mozzillo.

Location Via Roma, 83032 Bonito AV, Italia

Via Roma, 83032 Bonito AV, Italia

Street art works created on the walls of buildings in the town, designed to enhance the urban…

Location Via Roma, 77 83050, VIllamaina AV, Italia

Via Roma, 77 83050, VIllamaina AV, Italia

A repertoire of evidence of a very ancient past, the Museum Collection of the Municipality of…

Location Via Leonardo, 10, 83022 Baiano AV, Italia

Via Leonardo, 10, 83022 Baiano AV, Italia

Dating back to 1586, the ancient cemetery chapel, enlarged and renovated, is now consecrated…

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Project financed and implemented with funds from the Province of Avellino


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