The traditional Cuttlefish Festival will be held on 7 September in Sant'Angelo all'Esca. The "siccia mbuttita" or stuffed cuttlefish will be the absolute protagonist of the evening.

The siccia 'mbuttita' is linked to the tradition and cult of San Michele Arcangelo, protector and patron saint of the town. In Sant'Angelo all'Esca on the occasion of the feast of San Michele only fish is eaten. 

A unique opportunity to discover the beauty of the places, savor the taste of ancient dishes and rediscover the 'customs', the cuisine of a healthy peasant civilization: preparing the "siccia" requires time, care and attention. The filling is prepared at dawn and the cuttlefish are sewn by hand, one by one. The evening will be enlivened by excellent music.

Foto Gallery
Via Roma, 15, 83050 Sant'Angelo all'Esca AV, Italia
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333 647 2776
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Pro Loco Sant'Angelo all'Esca
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Sant'Angelo all'Esca

Via Roma, 15, 83050 Sant'Angelo all'Esca AV, Italia

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