The Fountain of the Tre Cannelle (three spouts) in San Sossio Baronia is located in Via Aniello Coppola, at the crossroads with the street of the same name.

It was commissioned in 1612 by the Marquis of Trevico, Ferdinando Loffredo, who also commissioned the Crucinova Column, located in Via Piano. Observing the monument as a whole arouses curiosity, starting with the details that give it its name "Tre Cannelle", that is, the presence of three spouts from which water flows. They are set in masks representing three faces, each with a different expression: smile, sadness and anger.

The high wall from which the three spouts protrude has a stone plaque, also divided into three sections, in the centre. There is an image of Saint Sossio the Martyr, the heraldic coat of arms of the Loffredo family and an engraved Latin inscription stating that the saint protects the village from heaven and that the feudal lord will be remembered as blessed in the year 1612; finally, there is an invitation to the traveller to stop and drink the fresh water of the fountain.

A historical monument of great workmanship and value, the Fountain of the Tre Cannelle is still a much loved place in the Sossio community.

Via Aniello Coppola, 24, 83050 San Sossio Baronia AV, Italia
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