The Medieval Tower of Roccabascerana is located in the historic centre of the Irpinian town.

Of Norman origin, it was also known as the "Rocca Guascirana", as mentioned in some documents from 1159 and 1183, a term that likely had a strong influence on the etymology of the town's name. It was built in the first half of the 12th century, most likely grafted onto a pre-existing Lombard defensive structure that took advantage of the natural hills to guard the territory, as was the military practice of the time. The Roccabascerana tower was of considerable military importance during the Middle Ages: combined with the garrisons of San Martino Valle Caudina, Pannarano, and Pietrastornina, it was an integral part of the group of fortifications positioned to offer direct control of the Caudina Valley and the road axis that connected Irpinia to Sannio along the slopes of the Partenio.

Nowadays, the Medieval Tower is a ruin made of tuff and limestone blocks, topped by a quadrangular rocky spire, on which there is a panoramic terrace. The belvedere has replaced the original structure of the Church of Santi Giorgio e Leonardo (Saints George and Leonard), which was initially located on the same rocky spire, close to the Baronial Palace, and of which only the bell tower with an attached clock still stands today.

The Medieval Tower of Roccabascerana still retains its role as a strong and meaningful testament to the medieval era in the ancient village.

Via Castello, 83016 Roccabascerana AV, Italia
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Torre Medievale di Roccabascerana

Via Castello, 83016 Roccabascerana AV, Italia

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