The Municipality of Chiusano di San Domenico is located on the slopes of Mount Tuoro, in the mid Calore Valley. It's a town with 2,201 inhabitants, located 700 metres above sea level, at 18 km from Avellino. The territory extends for 24.60 sq km and the adjoining municipalities are: Castelvetere sul Calore, Lapio, Parolise, Salza Irpina, San Mango sul Calore and Volturara Irpina
The etymology of the name would seem to derive from the Latin personal name of Clasius, to which is added the suffix -anus; the addition of “San Domenico” came later and refers not to the patron saint of the town, but to the saint to whom the local church is dedicated. The inhabitants are called Chiusanesi and Saint Michael the Archangel is their patron saint. 


  • Remains of the Lombard Castle - Testimonies of the Lombard domination in Irpinia rise over the valley of San Marco, overlooking that territory lying to the east which, in medieval times, constituted the ancient Duchy of Benevento
  • Church of San Domenico (Saint Dominic)- With origins not carefully documented, but certainly connected to the nearby Castle and the conversion of the Lombards to Catholicism, it still preserves ancient paintings
  • Church of Santa Maria degli Angeli (Saint Mary of the Angels) - Built in the 13th century, it has an imposing and austere façade and a majestic stone bell tower
  • Hermitage of Santa Maria della Valle (Saint Mary of the Valley) - It was probably founded by friars who were disciples of Saint William around the year 1126
  • Cross and Church of the Angel - On the summit of Mount Luceto there is the cross that, for seventy years, has been the symbol of the town’s faith and, not far away, the ruins of the Church of the Angel, built around 1130-43
  • Palaces - Carafa Palace, De Francesco Palace, Dafne Palace (former town hall)
  • Other - Montevergine Chapel, War Memorial, San Michele di Gesso Chapel
  • Trekking and trails - Tuoro Extreme, House of the Mountain, Picnic and barefoot area, Acqualemma Path, Itinerary of the Mountain, “Piana dell’Angelo” Equipped path, Via ferrata and Tibetan bridge, Varco Comone Itinerary     


  • Carlo Nazzaro Award - Annual review reserved for journalists and those who work in information sectors who have distinguished themselves at the national level
  • Peasant Festival - Food and wine event, aimed at the promotion and enhancement of local agricultural products, held in July
  • GustArte - Food and wine event with exhibitors and stands of Irpinian handicrafts that takes place in summer, recently revived also during the Christmas period (“GustArte XMas”)
  • Tuoro Folk Festival - Music festival dedicated to the sounds and traditions of southern Italy, held in the summer
  • Giochi Senza Quartiere - Playful event that involves all the children of the town, takes place in the summer
  • Beer Festival - Food and wine event held in the summer
  • Mountain Feast - Feast that takes place in the first days of August and includes a series of excursions, tastings and music, along the paths of Mount Tuoro and Mount Luceta      


  • Serino Chestnut PGI - Among the best varieties of chestnuts in Italy, as well as the most exported to international markets 
  • Tabacchini beans PAT - They take their name from their colour, light brown: with a strong and characteristic taste, particularly suitable for the preparation of soups
  • Iurmano bread PAT - Made with rye flour, called in dialect wheat “iermano” or “ciurmano”, mixed with that of durum wheat, it is the main ingredient of an ancient product that is still widespread in the area
  • Caciocavallo Silano PDO - Semi-hard cheese, with spun curd, produced with milk from different breeds of cows, including Podolica      


Thanks to the Limes/N project, the Municipality of Chiusano di San Domenico has several works of art positioned in symbolic areas of the town, making it more pleasant and welcoming. 
The journalism award held every year is named after Carlo Nazzaro (1887-1975), journalist and writer hailing from Chiusa, known for having interviewed the famous physicist Albert Einstein in 1943 and for having written the preface of ‘A levella by Totò in 1963. 


The first settlements in the territory of Chiusano di San Domenico seem to date back to Roman times; in fact, numerous finds (coins, terracotta objects and tombs) dating back to that period have been found, especially in the locality of Civitelle. 
However, the origins of the current town date back to the 11th century and the first document in which Chiusano di San Domenico is mentioned dates back to the year 1020, when it was part of the Duchy of Benevento. At that time, there was already a castle, built towards the end of the 10th century and which over time also had the function of a prison; the manor, however, was abandoned in 1278, when the feud belonged to the Del Tufo family. In addition to the Del Tufo and, even earlier, the Gesualdo families, the fief was administered by the Tomacelli and Carafa families, until the abolition of feudalism in 1806. 


Admiring the sweeping views stretching from Mount Tuoro, appreciating the value of the historical-religious heritage of its territory and savouring the dishes that tell its story, Chiusano San Domenico presents the best of its offer at your fingertips 
Distretto di riferimeno
Via Forno, 9, 83040 Chiusano di San Domenico AV, Italia
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Chiusano di San Domenico

Via Forno, 9, 83040 Chiusano di San Domenico AV, Italia

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