The Feast of Saint Anthony and Saint Vitus is a religious event held in Vallata every year in June.

The celebrations include both a religious and a civil event: during this feast, there is a procession dedicated to Saint Anthony of Padua on 13 June and a procession with the statue of Saint Vitus on the day of his martyrdom, 15 June, accompanied by musical concerts. 

A tradition that involves the entire local community, in the celebrations in honour of the two saints, is the "Procession of the Panelle", which takes place on 14 June. The word "panelle" refers to small loaves of unleavened bread, carried in procession by boys and girls in baskets adorned with petals of broom flowers and roses to the Church of San Vito (Saint Vitus), where they are blessed and then distributed to all the inhabitants in exchange for a free offering. However, it is not only the inhabitants who eat these bread loaves: they are also given to animals, as Saint Vitus is also their protector.

The Feast of Saint Anthony and Saint Vitus is an event that brings the entire community of Vallata to life and is still characterised by a climate of heartfelt participation and belief.

Comune di riferimento
Corso John Fitzgerald Kennedy, 1, 83059 Vallata AV, Italia
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*currently suspended due to Covid-19

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