The Church of San Domenico (Saint Dominic) in Bonito , also known as "Church of San Vincenzo” (Saint Vincent), is located on the ramp of the same name, in Via Roma.

The religious building is strongly linked to the worship of the Most Holy Rosary, which spread thanks to the Dominicans, whose presence in this area dates back to 1574 and to whom we owe the establishment of the Congregation of the Santissimo Rosario (Most Holy Rosary) in October 1867. Restored following the earthquake of 21 August 1962, the Church of San Domenico retained its original lines and was reopened for worship in 1977. Also damaged by the earthquake of 23 November 1980, the Church remained uninhabitable for a couple of years before being reopened for worship.

Further evidence of Bonito's rich artistic and religious heritage, the Church of San Domenico preserves a centuries-old history of faith and devotion.

Comune di riferimento
Rampa San Vincenzo, 83032 Bonito AV, Italia
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On reservation

Numero di telefono
0825 422054
Poligono GEO

Chiesa di San Domenico di Bonito

Rampa San Vincenzo, 83032 Bonito AV, Italia

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