The Municipality of Pietradefusi is located within the area of the Calore Valley. It's a town with 2,326 inhabitants, located 400 metres above sea level, at 28 km from Avellino. The territory extends for 9.24 sq km and the adjoining municipalities are: Calvi, Montefusco, Montemiletto, Torre Le Nocelle and Venticano
The etymology of the name seems to come from the “pietre” (stones) with which the first houses were built, erected by people from different areas, and here “fused”. Other sources claim the origin of Pietradefusi is connected to the construction of a fortified stone structure, built on a limestone rocky outcrop. The inhabitants are called Pietradefusani and Saint Faustino the Martyr is their patron saint. 


  • Aragonese Tower - Built in 1431 by order of Giacomo de Tocco, it is located in the upper part of the town, but only the basic structures remain of the original structure, erected above the naked rock
  • Church Maria Santissima Annunziata (Holy Mary of the Annunciation) - It is on the main square of the town and dates back to 1728, built by order of Cardinal Niccolò Coscia
  • Church of the Spirito Santo (Holy Spirit) - Tiny votive chapel dedicated to the Holy Spirit, built by local artisans
  • Dentecane - Hamlet of Pietradefusi, famous for the artisan production of nougat
  • Other - Church Madonna dell’Arco (Our Lady of the Arch), Church Maria SS. del Rosario (Holy Mary of the Rosary), Church S. Giuseppe (Saint Joseph), Church S. Michele Arcangelo (Saint Michael the Archangel), Church S. Paolo Apostolo (Saint Paul the Apostle), War Memorial     


  • Fusillo and Braciola Pietrafusana Festival - Food and wine event that takes place in August and is characterised by typical local food and wine 
  • Pietra delli Fusi - Cultural event that takes place in two evenings in August, in the historic centre, focusing on crafts, but also on food, wine and music
  • Feast of Saint Faustino the Martyr - Celebrations in honour of the patron saint that take place on 15 February     


  • Nougat - In the hamlet of Dentecane there are five companies that produce the famous dessert: renowned is the Pantorrone
  • Braciola pietradefusana - Slices of beef rolled up and held together by a kitchen string with cheese and various herbs
  • Fusilli - Made in a characteristic spiral shape, obtained by rolling the piece of dough around a metal rod, called precisely “fusillo”: it is seasoned with the sauce enriched with pulieio, a spontaneous aromatic herb
  • Taurasi DOCG - Wine of great tradition, made thanks to a very ancient grape variety: well structured, elegant and austere but, at the same time, balanced and tannic; suitable for a very long ageing, also thanks to its structure, minerality, good alcohol content and fullness
  • Irpinia Colline dell’Ufita PDO - Extra virgin olive oil deriving largely from the Ravece variety, characterised by a pleasant bitter and spicy taste     


In the 19th century, Lorenzo Giustiniani, in his “Dizionario geografico-ragionato del Regno di Napoli”, describes Pietradefusi as a land: “Extisting for five centuries, including four villages, called Pappaciceri, Pisciano, Serra and Venticane. The inhabitants ascend to about 5000”. 
Until 1948, Pietradefusi also included the current municipal territory of Venticano which, precisely in that year, obtained its autonomy. 


Pietradefusi boasts medieval origins and developed, in fact, between the 12th and 13th centuries. Its current territory, originally, was divided into districts, to the south of which there was another village, San Pietro della Sala, destroyed following some battles and whose remains, even today, lie underground. 
The continuous wars that took place in the Calore Valley led, thus, the districts to unite for both defensive and administrative purposes: this was how “Pietra delli Fusi” was born, destined to become over the centuries Pietradefusi. 
The town was owned by several feudal Lords: the families of De Souz, Tocco and Acquaviva d’Aragona. It was also a fief of the Santa Casa dell’Annunziata di Napoli.


Pietradefusi is a journey into authentic beauty, capable of generating a true enrichment, a genuine experience of discovery 
Distretto di riferimeno
Piazza Municipio, 1, 83030 Pietradefusi AV, Italia
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0825 962090
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Piazza Municipio, 1, 83030 Pietradefusi AV, Italia


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Località Pappapeci, 83030 Pietradefusi AV, Italia

A tiny votive chapel dedicated to the Holy Spirit built by local workers

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Via Padre Ludovico Acernese, 20, 83030 Pietradefusi AV, Italia

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Piazza Guglielmo Marconi, 21, 83030 Pietradefusi AV, Italia

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