The Municipality of Luogosano is located in the area of the Calore Valley. It's a town with 1,164 inhabitants, located 390 metres above sea level, at 29 km from Avellino. The territory extends for 6.07 sq km and the adjoining municipalities are: Fontanarosa, Lapio, Paternopoli, San Mango sul Calore, Sant'Angelo all'Esca and Taurasi.  
The etymology of the name seems to come from the need to give a more pleasant image to the place, hence "Locosano", although the town is also known by the names of "Lucusano", "Locossano" and "Lo Cessano", which later became "Luogosano". The inhabitants are called Luogosanesi and Saint Marcellinus is their patron saint. 



  • Fuochi Allavorati - Event held on the 7th of December, on the eve of the celebrations for the Immaculate Conception, during which several bonfires are lit in the streets of the town
  • Living Via Crucis - Tradition that has been repeated for several years and that stages, on three dates, the last earthly days of Christ    


  • Taurasi DOCG  - Wine of great tradition, made thanks to a very ancient grape variety: well structured, elegant and austere but, at the same time, balanced and tannic; suitable for a very long ageing, also thanks to its structure, minerality, good alcohol content and fullness
  • Irpinia Colline dell'Ufita PDO  - Extra virgin olive oil deriving largely from the Ravece variety, characterized by a pleasant bitter and spicy taste     


Among the Irpinian towns, Luogosano is the one with the most land cultivated by the Zuegg company, which has chosen this area for the cultivation of various fruit trees, for the production of jams and fruit juices. 


The territory of Luogosano has been inhabited since Roman times: this is testified by the discovery of tombstones and other ancient objects, dating back at least to the early years of Christianity.  
Already mentioned in some documents of the 5th century AD, it was occupied by the Lombards, who built the Monastery of Santa Maria di Locosano, which had its moment of greatest splendour between 682 and 1012. Over the centuries, it was owned by several families: Fontanarosa, Filangieri, Caracciolo, Ludovisi and Orimini. The last lords of Luogosano were the Pedicini, from 1733 until the subversion of feudalism, which took place in 1806.


Luogosano, like every corner of this province, has some surprises. The wine scene is so wide that it makes your head spin, and the delicious native grapes definitely deserve to be tasted 
Distretto di riferimeno
Via Francesco De Sanctis, 28, 83040 Luogosano AV, Italia
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Poligono GEO


Via Francesco De Sanctis, 28, 83040 Luogosano AV, Italia


Featured places

Indirizzo Piazza Giovanni XXIII, 83040 Luogosano AV, Italia

Piazza Giovanni XXIII, 83040 Luogosano AV, Italia

Set in the heart of the town, this early-Christian church with its impressive openwork bell…

Indirizzo Contrada Piano d'Orto, 83040 Luogosano AV, Italia

Contrada Piano d'Orto, 83040 Luogosano AV, Italia

The 18th-century church lies outside the town centre, and has an admirable set of vestments…

Indirizzo Via Pietà, 84, 83040 Luogosano AV, Italia

Via Pietà, 84, 83040 Luogosano AV, Italia

Church situated in the upper part of Luogosano

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