The Municipality of Pratola Serra is located within the area of the Sabato Valley. It's a town with 3,863 inhabitants, located 280 metres above sea level, at 14 km from Avellino. The territory extends for 8.84 sq km and the adjoining municipalities are: Candida, Manocalzati, Montefalcione, Montefredane, Montemiletto and Prata di Principato Ultra. The Sabato river runs through it. 
The etymology of the name seems to come from the Latin pratulum (lawn), in the plural pratula; from the Latin also derives the toponym serra with the meaning of “hill” or “height”. The inhabitants are called Pratolani and Our Lady of Sorrows and Saint Gerard Majella are their patron saints. 


  • Church of Maria Santissima Addolorata (Our Lady of Sorrows) - Mother Church with a well-restored 18th-century façade, dates back to the 18th century and also stands out for the precious works of art it holds
  • Basilica San Giovanni - Located in Pioppi, it has preserved, over the various eras, important and indelible religious and cultural aspects of the late-Roman and medieval period
  • Sections of the Castle - Built as a centre not only of defence but also of residence of the Roman-barbarian groups, the remains of the Castle of Serra blend with the houses located in the upper part of the town
  • Dolmen of Pratola Serra - Formed of square blocks of limestone (5 metres high and 2 metres wide), studies show that it was, in prehistoric times, a centre for the rituals of the community that lived there
  • Paper mill - Old station for the production of electricity, which used the power of the waters of the Sabato river
  • Casino Piscopo - A beautiful country estate located in Pioppi, where there are also the ruins of the Early Christian Basilica dedicated to Saint John (7th century AD)
  • Other Churches - Church of Sant’Audeno (Saint Audoin), Church of Sant’Anna (Saint Anne), Churches of Serra, Church of Santa Maria Assunta di Costantinopoli (Our Lady of the Assumption of Constantinople)     


  • Puozzi Passà p’a Pratola - Festival of popular music held every year, the second weekend of July, and which also offers gastronomy and typical local products
  • Calata degli Angeli (Flight of the Angels) - Traditional devotional event that takes place on Easter Monday: three children, dressed as angels, are suspended from a support in the central via Roma, along with a procession, songs and bonfires
  • Meatball Festival - Food and wine event, very well-loved by the community that meets every year for the preparation of the famous meatballs
  • Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows - Celebrations in honour of the patron saint, on the first Sunday of September      


  • Fiano di Avellino DOCG - One of the finest white wines of Italy and the international market      


There is an old popular saying, which is “Puozzi Passà p’a Pratola”, or “May you pass through Pratola”, which is inspired by the Bourbon Prison of Montefusco, since this was reached through the main street of Pratola Serra. Wishing for one to pass by meant, therefore, hoping for the imprisonment of the interlocutor in one of the toughest prisons ever. 


The ancient origin of Pratola Serra is linked to the ancient festivals celebrated by the Irpinian populations that were held in the area even several centuries before Christ by the peasants of the villages. These, usually of Greek derivation and referred to as Prataliae, took place in the months of March and April in the fields. 
Among other historical information, it is known that during the Roman Empire the territory of Pratola Serra fell within the Civitas Abellini, Livia Augusta Alexandrina Abellinatium colony, belonging to the Galeria tribe. In feudal times, however, the territory belonged to several families, to be purchased at the end of the 16th century by the Tocco di Montemiletto family and it remained the property of this family until the abolition of feudalism in 1806. 
Today’s town was established in 1812 from the union of the farmhouse of Pratola and the medieval village of Serra.


Pratola Serra is a splendid land inhabited by generous and hospitable people, who will welcome you in places of beauty animated by a driving and creative force 
Distretto di riferimeno
Via Gustavo Picardo, 31, 83039, Pratola Serra AV, Italia
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Pratola Serra

Via Gustavo Picardo, 31, 83039, Pratola Serra AV, Italia

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