The Municipality of Mirabella Eclano rises in the area of the Calore Valley. It's a town with 7,492 inhabitants, located 372 metres above sea level, at 37 km from Avellino. The territory extends for 33.96 sq km and the adjoining municipalities are: Apice, Bonito, Calvi, Fontanarosa, Grottaminarda, Sant'Angelo all'Esca, Taurasi, Torre Le Nocelle and Venticano.
The etymology of the name derives from the union of the word "mira" which means "to look" and “bellum” referred to the beauty of the place, while the term "Eclano" derives from Aeclanum, an ancient Samnite centre located in the area. The inhabitants are called Mirabellani and the patron saint is Our Lady of the Milk.
- Archaeological Park of Aeclanum - An ancient city of the Aeneolithic age, it's one of the most important Samnite centres of Irpinia, with an area of about 18 hectares where there are also traces of buildings dating back to the imperial age
- Church of Santa Maria Maggiore (Saint Mary Major) - Rebuilt after the earthquake in 1962, it's in a panoramic position and it represents an almost millennial testimony of history and faith
- Museum of Sacred Art - Located in the former Churches of the confraternita del Ss Rosario (confraternity of the Holy Rosary) and of the archconfraternity San Prisco it houses works and artefacts of different kinds and periods, expression of the deep religious devotion of the community
- Cart museum - Collection of woven straw components used for the construction of the Cart, which traces its historical evolution
- Museum of the Mysteries in papier-mâché - Located in the ancient stables of the Franciscan convent, it houses sculptures made entirely of papier-mâché by the artist Antonio Russo from Mirabella Eclano
- Church of San Bernardino (Saint Bernardine) - Church built in honour of the saint in 1698 thanks to the cult of the community of the town
- Aeneolithic Necropolis of Our Lady of Graces - Among the oldest archaeological sites in Irpinia, the necropolis houses very precious artefacts found in the territory of Mirabella Eclano, with a series of wall tombs
- Archaeological exhibition - Auditorium - Small church dating back to the 16th century, now home to the auditorium where conferences, exhibitions and concerts are held
- Calore River Park - Park located along the river Calore through an artificial cove
- Historical palaces - Cappuccio Palace, Angrisani Palace (former Orsini Palace), Ciani Palace, Penta Palace and Villa Orsini
- The Tirata del Carro (Dragging of the Cart) - Ancient tradition consisting in the transport through the streets of the town of an obelisk 25 meters high and covered with woven straw
- September in Eclano - Series of events lasting about a month that takes place on the occasion of the feast of Our Lady of Sorrows
- Corn cob Festival - Typical event of the village, known as the oldest food and wine event in the Calore Valley
- Feast of Our Lady of the Milk - Liturgical feast spread throughout Europe
- Feast of Saint Bernardine - Procession, with knights and costumed figures, accompanying the statue of the saint through the streets of the town
- Aeclanum Beer Festival - Festival dedicated to food and beer, with music and entertainment
- Taurasi DOCG - Wine of great tradition, made thanks to a very ancient grape variety: well structured, elegant and austere but, at the same time, balanced and tannic; suitable for a very long ageing, also thanks to its structure, minerality, good alcohol content and fullness
- Irpinia Colline dell'Ufita PDO - Extra virgin olive oil deriving largely from the Ravece variety, characterized by a pleasant bitter and spicy taste
- Menesta e pizza ionna - Pizza with corn flour, to which you can add cìcoli (pork fat into small pieces), and which is eaten as an accompaniment to a soup of mixed vegetables and wild herbs
- Mugliatiello - Lamb entrails, seasoned with garlic and parsley
- Ciciruottoli - Puff pastry cakes filled with chickpea puree and chocolate
- Cicatielli col pulieio - Handmade cavatelli pasta seasoned with tomato sauce and puleggio, a herb belonging to the mint family
It is believed that the large and ancient city of Aeclanum, found in the hamlet of “Passo”, is only a small part of an immense Samnite settlement.
Traditionally, the good fortune of the town is linked to the progress of the "Cart" which, once a year, must complete the entire route without ever falling.
Mirabella Eclano has very ancient origins, as testified by the finds of the Aeneolithic age.
The town, a crossing area between the Calore Valley and the Ufita Valley, is located along the very important Appian way. It was called Aeclanum at first, then it was called Quintodecimo, and it developed rapidly until it became the most important strategic and commercial centre of Sannio-Irpino.
Subsequently, the transfer to a safer and defensible place, more underdeveloped compared to the important communication routes, gave life to a new settlement named Acquaputida, which actually corresponds to the current residential settlement.
The change of the name from Acquaputida to Mirabella dates back to the Angevin age, while the name “Eclano”, as we read on the website of the municipality, was added in 1862 at the behest of King Victor Emmanuel II.
The coat of arms of the town is emblematic, adopted since 1873, which is intended to tell the story of Mirabella Eclano: «the phoenix is reborn from the flames of three ruins that symbolize Aeclanum, Quintodecimo and Acquaputida and turns the gaze to the left where a shining sun is placed».
Mirabella Eclano is reality and dream, a tumult of emotions and vibrations in a still time. Vestiges that come to life in the eyes of the spectators, which offer infinite suggestions
Mirabella Eclano
Via Municipio, 1, 83036 Mirabella Eclano AV, Italia
The Mirabella Eclano Dragging of the Cart, a very important event for the local community,…
For a month or so, the Settembre Eclanese offers a series of religious, musical and…
Known as the oldest food and wine event in the Calore Valley, the Corn Cob Festival offers…
On 11 and 12 September 2024 an important showcase for local producers who will be able to make…
Featured places
Località Passo di Mirabella, 83036, Mirabella Eclano AV, Italia
A site of great historical and archaeological importance, the Archaeological Park of Aeclanum…
Via Eclano, 49, 83036 Mirabella Eclano AV, Italia
A place of great artistic value, the Church of Santa Maria Maggiore in Mirabella Eclano is a…
Via Eclano, 83036 Mirabella Eclano AV, Italia
A rich cultural heritage of inestimable value, the Museum of Sacred Art in Mirabella Eclano…
Via Municipio, 61, 83036 Mirabella Eclano AV, Italia
A place of great cultural importance for the community of Mirabella, the Chariot Museum traces…
Via Municipio, 61, 83036 Mirabella Eclano AV, Italia
Located in the ancient stables of the Franciscan monastery, the Museum of Mysteries in papier-…
Via San Bernardino, 26, 83036 Mirabella Eclano AV, Italia
An emblem of profound faith, the Church of San Bernardino reflects a deep-rooted cult in the…
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