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Il Palio della Botte
Pane Ammore e Tarantella
"Games day" at Guardia Lombardi
Eurochocolate 2024 in Avellino
Avellino, "Music bears fruit" at the former Eliseo
Villamaina, the Befana comes down from the Bell Tower
Avellino, “Like the light of dawn” at the Circolo della Stampa
Grottolella, “Traveling under the stars of the 1990s”
Ariano Irpino: a Christmas full of events “With your family and with whoever you want”
The Pro Loco of Atripalda celebrates 50 years
Pane, Ammore e Tarantella
Avellino, Aldo Marrone exhibits "Terra di vino, terra divina"
"At the Sources of Clanio: Avella between prehistory and modern age"
Avellino, "I Love AV Festival" at the Casino del Principe
Avellino, "Carlo Gesualdo. Music, passion, pain" at the Bourbon prison
Avellino, "Anatomy of the void" at the Irpino Museum
At the Irpino Museum the exhibition "Sovra Esposti/Over Exposed"
Sponz Fest
"Late May Day" in Calitri
Giusy Ferreri in concert in Calitri
Carnevale Castelveterese
Festa della Madonna delle Grazie a Castelvetere
Calitri: last destination of the "Festival of Roots"
Sagra della Maccaronara
Festa de Lo Ucciolo
The First Pizza Festival in Castelvetere sul Calore
Riccardo Patrese in Castelvetere sul Calore for “Sports Stories”
Castelveterese Carnival 2024
Madonna Stella del Mattino
Andretta , Premio Letterario Nazionale “L’Inedito – sulle tracce del De Sanctis”
Andretta, "A casa re pezzienti nun mancano mai tozze"
In Andretta "The Roots Festival"
Andretta, Gallicchio presents "The First Mother"
Andretta, theatrical show: “Anatomy of a laugh”
Andretta, "The Carnival Parade"
Festa di Sant’Antonio da Padova
Estate Bisaccese
Festa di San Michele
Enzo Gragnaniello and Tony Esposito in concert in Bisaccia
Il Paese della Luce
Sant'Angelo dei Lombardi, al Goleto: Prebenna and the Divine Comedy
Lauro, III Edition of "Estate Naif"
Festa del Maio
Avella, discovering the Castle
Lumina in Castro
Notte dei Falò a Nusco
Nusco, between sacred and profane 'Bonfire Night'
Nusco hosts the "Piano and Voices Concert"
La Tirata del Carro
Settembre Eclanese
Sagra della Pannocchia
"Notte Gialla" in Mirabella Eclano
Carnevale di Montemarano
Montemarano, presentation of the novel "La Brigante Bambina" by Pino Aprile
Sagra della Castagna di Montella IGP
Montella, snowshoeing on the Verteglia plateau
Montella remembers Gaetano Iannella on Remembrance Day
Diocesan Peace March in Montella
"Granfondo Campania 2024": among the scenic beauties of Montella
"Living Reverence" to Montella
Language and Social Inclusion Lab in Montella
Sagra della Castagna e del Tartufo Nero
Bagnoli Irpino, "Safe with the Snow 2024"
Bagnoli Irpino, "Ciaspo-Torchlight procession in the moonlight"
Bagnoli Irpino, "Carnival at the Cavaniglia Castle"
Franco Dragone, "The Cairanese who "got" the moon
Cairano celebrates Franco Dragone
Cairano, the magic of the village with the "Sagra r lu p'zzirr fritt"
Cairano: "Kairos, Time of Wine" 2024
Sagra del Caciocavallo a Greci
Sagra della Castagna a Cassano Irpino
'In Love with Music' in Manocalzati with the violinist Oleksandr Pushkarenko
Montemiletto, inauguration of the Museo Comunale
Naples Millionaire! From comedy to opera' the new review of the Stravinsky Library
'In love with music' celebrates Puccini and De Filippo
In love with music: Pasión Andaluza in Manocalzati
Manocalzati, Concert for the Chinese New Year
Aquilonia, Francesca Bianco with “My brilliant divorce” at the Theatre
Aquilonia, theater show “The best of...” Simone Schettino
Aquilonia, The Honest Band presents: “1, 2, 3... Star!”
Aquilonia, Giuseppe Daniele presents "Winning and Invincible"
Aquilonia, “La Ricotta Show” at the Casa della Cultura
Aquilonia, “La Cosa Giusta” by Giorgio Caprile on stage
Aquilonia, theater show “L’Oreste”
Festa della Madonna delle Grazie a Lacedonia
Beppe Grillo at the Municipal Theater of Lacedonia with "Io sono un Altro"
Lacedonia, "Lapland" at the Municipal Theatre
Lacedonia, “The Imaginary Miser” by Enzo De Caro at the Theater
Mercogliano, the secrets of the Goleto Abbey in Vecchiarelli's volume
Candida: Storia, Luoghi, Sapori e Arti antiche
Candida Summer Fest: weekend between music and food and wine
Sperone: "Meeting with Teresa Manes"
At the Melito Music Festival: Cisco and Alborosie
Cervinara, "The Bonfire of Sant'Antonio Abate"
Gesualdo: The "Vampaleria" of Sant'Andrea, the fire of tradition and hope
Santo Stefano del Sole: "Cherry Festival"
Fuochi Allavorati
Via Crucis Vivente a Luogosano
Sant'Angelo all'Esca: Cuttlefish Festival 2024
La Notte Romantica
Ravece Food Festival
Valentine's Day in Zungoli with "Ruando in love!"
Volturara Irpina: "White Party" in the Dragon Valley
Tirata del Giglio di Villanova del Battista
Villanova del Battista, masters of panettone and nougat at the Museum
Rassegna del Teatro Classico, della Musica e del Cabaret
Villamaina, Award “G. Gussone 2023"
Sagra del Vino, del Prosciutto e dell'Agnello
Fiera Campionaria di Venticano
"European Music Festival" in Vallesaccarda
Festa della "Mattinella" di Vallata
Festa di Sant'Antonio e San Vito
In Vallata the "Dik Dik" in concert
Tufo Greco Festival
Trevico, Covotta presents "Politics and Thought, stories and characters of the twentieth century parties"
Bonfire of San Giuseppe in Trevico
"Bull's Night" inflames Torella dei Lombardi
Sabina Guzzanti at the Episcopio Theater of Sant'Andrea di Conza
Festa di Sant’Antonio
A' Carcar e Sant' Antuono
Solofra, "The Child with the White Handkerchief"
Theory, folklore and tradition with "Li Squacqualacchiun and Sagra delle Tomacelle"
Senerchia, the ancient practice of "Transumanza"
Sagra delle Sagre
"Author's Dialogues" in Sant'Angelo dei Lombardi
Sant'Angelo dei Lombardi, "Urban Nature 2024": in the Square with the WWF
Montefusco, "Sant'Egidio Fair and Festival 2024"
Sant'Angelo dei Lombardi: XXIII edition of "The Festival of Festivals"
Montefusco: "DegustArte" guided tours and Greco di Tufo tasting
Summonte, "Starze in celebration"
Fiano Love Fest
I Misteri di Lapio
Lapio: "Oil on Canvas, tastings of art and oil!"
Aiello on Saturday, Focarone and Pork Festival to celebrate the Patron Saints
Aiello del Sabato: "Nocciolandia"
Aiello del Sabato, theater show "A suitcase of a thousand words"
Frankie Hi Nrg, Carotone and Arminio guests of "If a night in Irpinia...."
Aiello del Sabato, theater show "The imaginary invalid"
Scampanellata per il paese
I Falò di San Giuseppe
Festival of Roots: in Calabritto a stage dedicated to Dialects
In Calabritto the traditional Bonfire of San Giuseppe
Sagra delle Matasse
Festa della Musica Europea
Un Albero per Tutti
"MuseAMO, Youth passion tourism!" in Caposele
Caposele: "Street Artists Festival"
Tridd in Festa
"The Carifano Carnival": floats and masked groups in the center of the Barony
"Winter Party" in Carife
Festa di Sant'Antonio a Castelbaronia
Passeggiata Ecopaesologica
Fiera di Sant'Anna
Frigento among the most beautiful villages in Italy
Frigento, "Music Festival 2024"
"Frigentinità": discovering the typical cheeses of Frigento
"Frigentinità": discovering the typical cured meats of Frigento
New appointment with "Frigentinità": focus on Honey
Castelfranci Wine Festival
Festa della Vendemmia
Notte re la Focalenzia
Castelfranci, Aurelio Musi presents "Baroque Melancholy"
Castelfranci, "Castellese Carnival" 2025
Zeza di Capriglia
Capriglia Irpina, "De' Serate a San Felice"
Festa di Santa Maria della Neve a Casalbore
"Laticaundo": the lamb festival in Casalbore
Grottolella: gastronomy, music and fireworks for San Vincenzo Martire
Battenti di San Pellegrino
Flumeri, Remembrance Day is celebrated with "Letter to Conscience"
Ariano Folkfestival
Rievocazione Storica del Dono delle Sacre Spine
Ariano Irpino, "Edison vs Tesla - Light and oblivion" at the Theater
Ariano Irpino, Biogem Musica inaugurates 2024 with Danilo Rossi
Ariano Irpino, on stage "Men, however, know how to park"
Ariano Irpino, Feast of San Giovanni Bosco
Ariano Irpino, "Carnevalicchio Carnival"
Ariano Irpino: at the theater with "'A Figliata"
Ariano Irpino, "Tombola Irregular Show"
Ariano Irpino: "Happyfania '25"
"The Little Prince" on stage in Ariano Irpino
Ariano Irpino, "The Beggars' Union" on stage
Atripalda, photographic collective "Piazze del popolo"
Atripalda celebrating for Maria SS. of Carmel
XXXI edition of «Places of Music»
Atripalda, classical and contemporary poetry with Giansalvo Pio Fortunato and Lucia Gaeta
"Atripalda & Abellinum excavations at sunset"
Atripalda, famous conference of Franz Kafka
Atripalda, "10 films so dark you'll need a flashlight"
"Proiezioni" meeting in Atripalda with short film talents
Atripalda is found around the "Focarone di San Sabino"
Atripalda, "Cinema" themed masquerade party
Chiusano di San Domenico, "Sagra della Birra e del Podolico"
The Living Nativity Scene in Chiusano di San Domenico
Autumn flavors in Contrada: culinary journey among chestnuts, wild boars and porcini mushrooms
'Christmas celebration, music, traditions, flavors' in Paternopoli
Paternopoli, the ancient rite of 'La Macenata'
Christmas in Paternopoli: a calendar of events for everyone until January 6th
Riti di Fuoco
"On the banks of the Ofanto" in Lioni
Lioni, charity evening at the Cinema Nuovo with "Tailor for Lady"
Goleto Festival, Alessandro Preziosi in Lioni
Lioni, on stage: "The Farmer Mayor: Rocco Scotellaro"
Magic, stories and traditions: the "Fire Rites" are celebrated in Lioni
Lioni hosts “Scandalosamente Bello”: Emergency hospital exhibition in Uganda
Lioni: dj set by the Frattasio brothers aka “MIXED BY ERRY”
Montoro, inauguration of the Contemporary Art Gallery
From Roccabascerana the "500 in Valle Caudina"
Montoro: Cristina Cianci presents: "Anatomy of the Void"
Roccabascerana, "Aperitif on the Campanile Terrace"
"Ab Ovo – The Mystery of the Beginning" on display in Montoro
Taurano, "The Hazelnut and the Roads of the Ovens"
San Mango sul Calore celebrates Carnival 2025
San Martino Valle Caudina, "The Emigrant's Feast"
San Michele di Serino, bonfires, music and tastings to celebrate the Carnival
San Michele di Serino: XXXVI Potato Festival
Sagra delle Orecchiette
Carnevale Savignanese
"The Savignanese Carnival": the tradition is renewed with floats and masks
Christmas... together with San Potito
Serino: 'People's Day' 2024
I Misteri di Frigento
La Tirata dei Carri Covoni
Lapio, the story of the convent of Santa Maria degli Angeli told by Iannino
Il Grande Spettacolo dell'Acqua
Festività di San Gerardo
Giornata dell'Ammalato
Giornata delle Mamme e dei Bambini
Caposele, Solemnity of San Gerardo Maiella
Caposele, at the Sanctuary of San Gerardo Maiella "Mothers and Children's Day"
Festa di Santa Maria dei Manganelli
Gesualdo, "Homage to Picasso" - International Contemporary Art
Gesualdo, "Mediterranean Dust" on display at the Pisapia/Mattioli Palaces
Presepe Vivente a Gesualdo
Saperi & Sapori
Passione e Morte di Cristo
Volo dell'Angelo
Gesualdo Folk Event
Sagra del Fusillo e dello Spezzatino
Bonito per Medici Senza Frontiere
Il Dramma Sacro di San Bartolomeo
Festa di San Vito
Ferragosto in Castelluccia
"Protagonists of Irpinia" award to Sant'Angelo dei Lombardi
Bisaccia, presentation of the book “Memories of a Janara”
Calitri, visit to the Ceramics Museum during the European Heritage Days
Hinterterra, the traveling culinary congress that will stop in the village of Quaglietta
Bagnoli Irpino, "Waterfalls Experience" on the Laceno plateau
Bagnoli Irpino: discovering Monte Cervialto, the peak of Irpinia in the winter version
Bagnoli Irpino, excursion on "The Three Deer of Irpinia"
Avellino Letteraria presents “In Naples, San Ferdinando, Chiaia - Posillipo”
Focaroni di San Sabino
Lauro, presentation of the book "The girl and the sea... or rather two!"
Grottaminarda, Wrong Speed - Trance A Lento: "Gnmr" at Castello d'Aquino
Grottaminarda: live music with the Matsumoto Zoku Band
The 'Places of Music' Festival plays in Grottaminarda
'I Cabrei di Montevergine' on display at the State Library
“Chi trase a Montefusco”: the theater at the Bourbon Prison
Morra De Sanctis: "The Legend of the Paper Storyteller"
"FAI Schools Day" in Mercogliano
“On the trail of animals”: Nature detectives for a day in the WWF Oasis of Lake Conza
Sundays in June at the WWF Oasis of Lake Conza
The Lake Conza Oasis presents the "Autumn Festival"
Lioni, the “Living Nativity Scene” is back!
In Zungoli "Gli Uomini Pesce" and live session with Dilis
Avellino, Alessandro Siani celebrates 20 years of 'Fiesta' at the Gesualdo Theater
Avellino, European Archaeology Days at the Irpino Museum
Avellino, "Hands in Paper" at the Irpino Museum
"Irpine Invasions", a journey to discover Conza della Campania and Sant'Andrea di Conza
Mercogliano, Rotarossa and Antimusical Frontiers for Sant' Anna and Gioacchino
Urban Trek in Zungoli and Savignano Irpino
Solofra: XXX Edition of "A Carcare e Sant'Antuono"
'SeleFun' in Caposele: Pop culture festival of the Sele Valley
Ariano Irpino, "The live mascot show"
Ariano Irpino: "Variety", show of various art
Ariano Irpino: "Turnammo Addreto: Folk e Tradizione"
Ariano Irpino, "Women's Decisions" at the Theater
The 10th anniversary of reunification is celebrated in Montoro
Explore Santa Lucia, source of water, faith, art and culture
Bisaccia, "Conditions": Effe's personal exhibition
I Falò della Baronia
International Street Food in Ariano Irpino
International Street Food returns to Grottaminarda for a weekend of taste and tradition
Bagnoli Irpino, snowshoeing on the Laceno plateau
Avellino, Workshop on vocality at the Cimarosa Conservatory
Serino, folklore in music: 'La Mascarata'
Irpinia Terra di Mezzo: festival of flavors and culture
"Local Dinners" - Ancient Gesualdine Gastronomic Traditions